Social Science Symposium
Selected publications:
1. Bibeau G. and Pedersen, D. (2002) "A return to Scientific Racism in Medical Social Sciences: a case study of sexuality and the AIDS epidemic in Africa." Chapter in: Mark Nichter (Editor) Medical anthropology: priorities for action (in Honour of Charles Leslie). Taylor/Francis--Routledge (forthcoming).
2. Pedersen, D. (2002) "Political violence, ethnic conflict and contemporary wars: broad implications for health and social well being." (Background paper) XV International Conference on the Social Sciences & Medicine. Veldhoven, The Netherlands, 16-20 October 2000 (forthcoming) Social Science & Medicine.
3. Pedersen, D., Gamarra, J., Planas, M.E., Errázuriz, C. (2001) "Violencia política y salud en las comunidades alto-andinas de Ayacucho, Perú." Memorias del VI Congreso Latino Americano sobre Ciencias Sociales y Salud, Lima, Perú, Junio 11-13, 2001 (forthcoming).
4. Pedersen, D. (2000) "Health implications of political violence, ethnic conflict and wars in Latin America." In: L.J. Kirmayer, M.E. MacDonald & G.M. Brass (eds) The Mental Health of Indigenous Peoples. Culture and Mental Health Unit (Report No. 10), pp. 47-68. Montreal: Division of Social & Transcultural Psychiatry, McGill University.
5. Pedersen, D. (1999) "The impact of poverty, racism and political violence in the mental health of indigenous peoples." (El impacto de la pobreza, el racismo y la violencia política sobre la salud mental de los pueblos indo-americanos.) Chapter in: Bronfman, Mario N. & R. Castro (Eds.) Salud, Cambio Social y Política: Perspectivas desde América Latina. México: EDAMEX, pp.163-184.
6. Heggenhougen, H.K. and Pedersen, D. (1997) "Beyond Quantitative Measures: The Relevance of Anthropology for Public Health." Chapter In: R. Detels, W.W. Holland, J. McEwen and G.S. Omenn (Editors), Oxford Textbook of Public Health (Third Edition). New York: Oxford Univ. Press.
7. Pedersen, D. (1996) "Disease Ecology at a Crossroads: man-made environments, human rights and perpetual development utopias." Social Science & Medicine, 43 (5): 745-758.
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